The work sof approximately Rs 50 crore will be carried out in the city to give roads a new look. As per the information, Rs 12.5 crore will be spent on various works in Jalandhar Central, Jalandhar North, Jalandhar West and Jalandhar Cantt constituencies each. Residents however said mere announcemen
During the meeting, chaired by BJP state president Ashwani Sharma, the executive committee also analysed the party's performance in the recently concluded Jalandhar bypoll.
While the vote share of AAP and the BJP increased in the Jalandhar Lok Sabha byelection, the Congress saw a 5 per cent dip in it as compared to the 2022 Assembly poll.
On Saturday, AAP leader Sushil Rinku stepped out of his house as a former MLA and walked back in as a Member of Parliament (MP). The political journey of the former councillor has surprised many, thanks to his Lok Sabha bypoll win on Saturday with a huge margin of 58,691 votes.