THE Water Department is looking at the possibility of having the supply for Ujana Kingfisher channelled through a new reservoir – which is being built along the section of Jalan Sulaman near Kg Sabagon – in a bid to ease the recurring inconvenience caused by dry taps in the neighbourhood.
THE Water Department has called on the management company (MC) for a Penampang shopping centre to take better care of the internal reticulation for the property, particularly any leaking pipes around the building.
CHIEF Minister Datuk Seri Hajiji Noor said the Sabah Government is always open to establishing joint ventures with franchise companies such as McDonald’s to explore business opportunities in the State.
Kota Kinabalu: McDonald’s Malaysia is targeting to open 36 new restaurants in Sabah by 2030, which is expected to involve an investment of more than RM200 million.