KUALA LUMPUR: A man was unconscious and injured in the face after being assaulted in Jalan Memanda 9, Jalan Ampang, yesterday. Ampang Jaya police chie.
KUALA LUMPUR: Two directors of a mining company pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court here to cheating a man in the sale and purchase of sand involving payment amounting to RM1.21mil seven years ago.
KUALA LUMPUR: Two mining company directors pleaded not guilty in the Sessions Court here on Tuesday (April 23) to the charge of cheating a man in the sale and purchase of sand, involving payment amounting to RM1.2mil, seven years ago.
KUALA LUMPUR: In 1975, a year after he took over as Inspector-General of Police (IGP), Tun Mohammed Hanif Omar (pic) established the Special Actions Unit (UTK), an elite group of police personnel meant for counter-terrorism operations.
KUALA LUMPUR: Alleged Israeli hitman Shalom Avitan has claimed trial at the Sessions Court here to two charges over the possession of six pistols and 158 bullets.The 38-year-old was brought into the courtroom at 10.25am yesterday to face the two charges.