Addison Stewart and Chace Harrison were celebrated in Devonport on Friday. They were among six children who died while enjoying end-of-year celebrations earlier this month.
Tasmanian jumping castle victim Jalailah Jayne-Maree Jones has been remembered as a "little mum" who cared for her siblings and classmates, as dozens of family and f.
Dozens of family and friends gathered to say goodbye to the Jalailah Jayne-Maree Jones who was described as one of God s angels and a perfect star by her heartbroken grandparents.
Chace Harrison s cheeky grin and beautiful angel Addison Stewart will be remembered at separate funeral services on Friday as the final victims of the Tasmanian school tragedy are farewelled
Hillcrest Primary School victim Peter Dodt has been remembered by family and friends as a "little hero" who tried to save others caught up in the jumping castle trag.