The Inescapable Two-State Imperative
Source: Getty
Summary: External pressure has never been effective in forcing the parties to abandon their core principles. Only a negotiated two-state solution has the potential to satisfy both sides.
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The arrival of a new U.S. administration offers a welcome opportunity for a reset of U.S. policy vis-á-vis the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Donald Trump’s administration followed an approach that diverged sharply from those of its predecessors, but its so-called new thinking achieved little and unnecessarily alienated the United States from the Palestinians. Joe Biden’s administration will likely return to a more conventional framework but will move forward cautiously, recognizing that the current situation isn’t ripe for peacemaking. With both Israelis and Palestinians going to the polls this year, the U.
December 15, 2020 December 16, 2020
Live on YouTube @CarnegieMENA
The Malcolm H. Kerr Carnegie Middle East Center invites you to its fourth annual conference, titled
A Global Renewal? What to Expect in 2021. The conference will consist of six virtual discussions that will provide a look ahead to 2021, focusing on what Carnegie scholars and other experts believe will be the most significant and challenging issues facing the Middle East and North Africa in their interaction with international actors. The panels will include scholars from Carnegie s offices in Beirut, Beijing, Brussels, Moscow, and Washington, who will examine the region from diverse viewpoints. The event will be held in English, live on YouTube @CarnegieMENA.