LITTLE ROCK Most current employees in state health insurance plans for public school and state workers would pay less than they currently do under a package of proposed changes for calendar year 2023 approved by the state Board of Finance on Monday.
Benistar Administrative Services has filed a protest over the state's Employees Benefits Division's award of a state contract to provide group Medicare Advantage with prescription drug coverage to eligible retirees in the state's health insurance plans for public school and state employees to United Healthcare Insurance Co.
The state Board of Finance on Friday approved a proposed state contract with UnitedHealthcare Insurance Co. to provide Group Medicare Advantage with prescription drug coverage for eligible retirees in the state's health insurance plans for public school and state employees.
The state treasury's $6 billion investment portfolio earned $17.5 million last quarter up from $9.05 million in the same quarter a year ago. The increase came amid volatile investment markets with the assistance of slightly higher interest rates, state Treasurer Dennis Milligan told the state Board of Finance on Thursday.
The state treasury s $6 billion investment portfolio earned $17.5 million last quarter up from $9.05 million in the same quarter a year ago. The increase came amid volatile investment markets with the assistance of slightly higher interest rates, state Treasurer Dennis Milligan told the state Board of Finance on Thursday.