McHenry County s legal fight to preserve a multimillion-dollar federal contract suffered a significant defeat this week when a U.S. appellate court upheld a state law that bans counties from locking up immigration detainees in their jails.
Under penalty of a beating or death, Erik Eck pledged at age 13 to adhere to the Latin Kings' first rule: "Once a King, always a King." Tattoos that bedeck his entire body express his fealty forever to one of the largest gangs in the U.S.
“This life is all I’ve ever known,” Eck said about agonising over his decision to deface the tattoos that have been central to his identity for 20 years.
“This life is all I’ve ever known,” Eck said about agonising over his decision to deface the tattoos that have been central to his identity for 20 years.