BJP general secretary Arun Singh on Tuesday said the saffron party will organise multiple programmes from April 6 to April 20 on issues such as social justice
UP Assembly Elections 2022 Elections for the 403 member legislative assembly are underway in Uttar Pradesh The first and second phases were conducted on February 10 and 14
LIVE Parliament Budget Session Updates The Parliament will debate about President Ram Nath Kovind s joint address to both Houses today Rahul Gandhi will be the first opposition leader to reply to the debate
Manipur Elections 2022 The elections for Manipur s 60 member state assembly will be held in two phases on February 27 and March 3 The counting of votes will take place on March 10
LIVE Chandigarh Nagar Nigam Election Results 2021 Updates Till now the AAP has won nine seats On the other hand the BJP which had won 20 seats in the previous elections has managed to win just six wards so far while the Congress has bagged just five seats