A friend, previously imprisoned along with Tajpuriya at Tihar jail, said Tajpuriya never wanted his family to visit him in jail and kept to himself. “When I called him, he would tell me that he was doing well. For his close aides and relatives, he is a martyr,” he said.
The Punjab and Haryana High Court has set aside the orders directing removal of a school building constructed by BAAS Educational Trust on the Gram Panchayat land in Haryana s Gurgaon districtThe.
In September 2021, Wazir had come to Delhi from Jammu to stay at a friend’s place in West Delhi’s Basai Darapur. He was set to leave for Canada and meet his wife and children.
Dr Susant Kumar Kanungo, a native of Jagatsinghpur district and a lawyer in the Supreme Court, has petitioned to the Chief Secretary for carrying out evection works over lands meant for Gochar and graveyard which have been encroached upon by some influential people in Balikuda tehsil area in nexus