The Telangana High Court on Tuesday extended the stay on the notice issued to BJP national General Secretary, Organisation, B.L. Santhosh and Kerala-based doctor Jaggu Swami in the MLAs poaching case.The High Court extended the stay till .
A Kerala-based doctor, who is an accused in the sensational MLAs' poaching case, has approached Telangana High Court seeking a stay on the lookout notice issued by the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Telangana police.Kottilil Narayan Jaggu, .
Following directions from the Telangana high court, the SIT, probing the case, issued a second notice to BJP national general secretary (Organisation) Santhosh, who is yet to appear before it.
A lawyer said to be a relative of Telangana BJP President Bandi Sanjay Kumar on Monday appeared before the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of the state police probing MLAs' poaching case but BJP General Secretary B.L. Santhosh and two others .
With BJP General Secretary B.L. Santhosh and two others not appearing before the Special Investigation Team (SIT) of Telangana Police probing MLAs' poaching case despite the summons, the SIT approached the Telangana High Court on Tuesday.The .