Tripura Chief Minister Biplab Kumar Deb on Wednesday claimed that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) would again form the government after the 2023 state assembly elections with a thumping majority.
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SILCHAR: Sixteen people were injured as dacoits opened fire at Burunga village in Kalain block in Cachar district on Tuesday night. The condition of one of the injured persons is stated to be critical.
Sources said a group of 20-25 dacoits raided the house of a retired Army jawan named Azi Uddin in the area.
Dacoits looted gold ornaments and cash from the house at gunpoint, sources said. Aji Uddin’s wife said a gang of robbers entered the house and asked her where her husband was. The decoits kicked her when she said he was not at home and looted gold ornaments and Rs 4 lakh in cash by breaking down the almirahs in the house.