good evening, everyone, and welcome to the enoch pratt free library. my name is vivian fisher and i am deputy chief of the pratt library state library resource center here, the central library. this evening i am pleased to introduce our guests author carrie kay. carrie kay greenwich, who will be in conversation with dr. nikki taylor. greenwich is the mellow assistant professor in the department of studies in race colonization and diaspora at tufts university. she is an author of radical black radical the life and times of william monroe trotter, listed by the new york times as one of its top picks of 2019. the book, the first biography of boston editor william monroe trotter, written in nearly 50 years. the book we see the mark clinton prize in history, the massachusetts book award, and numerous other awards. black radical was, also shortlisted for the stone book award from the museum of african american in boston in the cundhill prize and the plutot award for best biography.
good evening, everyone, and welcome to the enoch pratt free library. my name is vivian fisher and i am deputy chief of the pratt library state library resource center here, the central library. this evening i am pleased to introduce our guests author carrie kay. carrie kay greenwich, who will be in conversation with dr. nikki taylor. greenwich is the mellow assistant professor in the department of studies in race colonization and diaspora at tufts university. she is an author of radical black radical the life and times of william monroe trotter, listed by the new york times as one of its top picks of 2019. the book, the first biography of boston editor william monroe trotter, written in nearly 50 years. the book we see the mark clinton prize in history, the massachusetts book award, and numerous other awards. black radical was, also shortlisted for the stone book award from the museum of african american in boston in the cundhill prize and the plutot award for best biography.
More than 1,000 visitors converged at the Iberville Visitors Center in Grosse Tete on Saturday to celebrate the history and traditions of a unique south Louisiana culture.