Description The discovery of vast shoals of fish in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Peru has led to the development of a large industry which processes fish meal for use as cattlefeed and fertilizer. However, the vigorous exploitation of this resource has done its damage; a whole species of fish, the anchoveta, is in danger of extinction because of overfishing. Further, little of the protein being won from the sea is being used to improve the diet of people in South America, who need it badly. The film shows how market demands in one country can damage the environment thousands of miles away.
Description Is it time for us to stop growing - in population, in capital investments, in material things - or is this the road to continued poverty for the poorer nations of the world. Computer studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, commissioned by a group of European industrialists resulted in the publication of a book The Limits to Growth” that has stirred up worldwide controversy. This programme examines both sides of the question: continued economic growth or a leveling off to a steady-state economy. Series