Health News - The eyes are said to be windows to the soul. Now, they are also peepholes into brain health, researchers at the Singapore Eye Research Institute (Seri) found. Using non-invasive eye scans, the researchers have linked changes in the retina to what happens in the. Read more at
Singapore Today's Daniel Martin speak with Sean Ang, Smoking Cessation Counsellor and Pharmacist, Success Alliance Enrichment, about why vaping is becoming more prominent here.
Melanie Oliveiro speaks with local charitable organization Inspiring Girls Singapore and how they’ve partnered with the local founders of the Awesome Women Series. The Awesome Women Series company creates books and games that focus on women role models with the aim of inspiring girls to reach for their dreams. Jac
Find out why some are applauding the removal of mid-year examinations while others raise concerns about evaluation standards and added pressure on students.