Only milk she drinks is 99 . Democratic strategist jessica tarwell. He is the best dillon since jacob, kim dillon. And with a face like that why does she have a career in radio . And another gay republican . What is going on today . Am i being bugged by Rachel Maddow . It is guy benson. Lets start the show. The New York Times declares the fight over the filling of Justice Scalias seat an epic washington battle. Some epic. The argument is should republicans block this judicial appointment shis one time . Thats why they already lost. Republicans should have blocked every single Democrat Supreme Court nominee of our lifetime. There should be no liberals allowed on the court, zero. But republicans are fooled into playing a one for you, one for us game with the on you. Y with the appointees effectively turning them into a legislative body. I confirm celebrating a legislative decision if they agree with it as a win. There are no wins on the court. You win at the ballot box. The Court Justice