Infrastructure investments, trade, and the economy. But we begin this morning on the topic of immigration. After President Trump laid out his fourpoint plan on Immigration Reform, we want to hear from you about what you took from the state of the union when it comes to the immigration debate . The phone lines this morning. Democrats, 202 7488000. Republicans, 202 7488001. 002. Pendents, 202 748892 forave a special line Illegal Immigrants as well, 202 7488003. You can start calling in it now. We want to get your thoughts on the president s statements on immigration last night, but first, a few stats from the state of the union yesterday. 4. 5 million tweets, this was the most tweeted state of the union or joint session address, surpassing the three bs record previous record of 3 million tweets in 2017. As we pointed out earlier, it was a little over 80 minutes long, 80 minutes and 32 seconds. It was not the longest state of the Union Address ever, but it was close, and definitely the lo
Ago, we enacted the biggest tax cuts and reforms in american history. Host we will talk more about trade and the economy and the president s comments in our last hour of washington journal. I did want to show you a few of the tweets from members of the president s. Of the president s cabinet. Sayingasury secretary the progrowth agenda is working for the american people. Callingerce secretary the state of the Union Address the best in recent memory and one more tweet from the Agriculture Sector secretary who was the socalled designated of thef the member cabinet member who is not in the chamber. Time for one more call. The topic we have been talking about for our first hour of the program. George from tennessee, line for democrats. Caller thank you. I would like to know how do somebody who was forced to come here or made to come here through no fault of their own get a name like a dreamer . A dreamer is something somebody urines for, but if you come here like everyone says through no fa
Im daniel runde. We are talking about the nonmilitary components of the us strategy in afghanistan. I think the first thing you have to say is i certainly welcome, i think many people welcome the fact that the president has come forward with a new strategy four afghanistan without timelines and with a commitment to a great cause. I think that there are there is a moral component to this as well. There is a lot of progress. I think that does not get a lot of coverage on this. And so for us to risk letting all of dad go with the price way too high. We have been working on this for a long time. I have been working with ambassador wayne and the Senior Advisor here. We have done a lot of things with the ambassador. We have got a very good panel to cover the issues today but i think the other point i want to make is, you cant solve the challenges of afghanistan without diplomacy and without development. And we certainly welcome the fact that there is a security it requires a security compone
Mr. Schumer i ask unanimous consent the quorum be dispensed with. Gth. Good morning mr. President of like to talk about taxes President Trump and Republican Leaders announced several proposals as part of the tax plan. Rate to repeal the estate tax of lower the tax and the top rate and raise the bottom tax rate. Each of these would have a massive windfall to the wealthiest americans to provide almost a relief to middleclass taxpayers to need it most. And they designed a plan and in the Corporate Board rooms and in that those estates worth 11 million but those middleclass families is that the president s definition and just to the of wealthiest among us and let me tell you ended toed take away the benefits i have been trying to do the same thing on taxes. In to me it in for a rude awakening 70 percent of americans are against tax breaks for the wealthy americans this would create a huge loophole creating the Hedge Fund Managers to funnel their income to the business entity to avoid the t
Just a few days before the deadline . A couple of reasons. Probably the biggest one is that the longterm authorization bill, authored by bill schuster, the sherman of the transportation infrastructure committee. Included this provision, a longstanding goal but a controversial one. It would remove air Traffic Control organization from the faa and create a new nonprofit to oversee that. There was a lot of opposition and he has been working hard with that. But does not quite have the vote to pass that. It is a lastminute shortterm extension. This is the Second Time Around this week for use of the regular viewers of the house. They took up the bill a version of this on monday. What happened . The ticket into the expedited procedure under suspension of the rules. That required the two thirds majority of everyone voting in the house. Got a majority of votes but did not clear the two thirds congressional bill. They had to go back to the rules committee. It takes a bit longer but they have the