hammer-wielding attacker. todd: jackie ibanez has details, jacky. jackie: district attorney brook brooke jenkins was pushed on whether there was an alarm system in place at the time of the attack, here is how she responded. there was no security present, there was no capitol police or private security present at the time. jackie: sources tell fox news capitol police officers were not monitoring surveillance, had been watching a live feed from the capitol complex while monitoring the feeds and an officer saw lights on dark street outside the residence and that alerted them to the attack. they wait for evidence to lead to more and more questions surrounding david papape s case. i don t understand what the
the election cycle. you are watching fox and friends first s, i m carley shimkus. todd: i m todd piro. 500,000 people have cast their votes and in 2018, only jacky. jackie: with just two weeks until the midterm, candidates in three races will square off on the debate stage tonight. in pennsylvania, senate hop hopefuls, john fetterman and mehmet oz will meet in their only debate. polls show john fetterman with a two-point advantage over the republican nominee, democrat team is tempering expectation lgs saying let s be clear about this match up, dr. oz has been a professional tv personality for two decades. we ll admit this is not john s format, look at the primary earlier this year, oz clearly
jackie walorski, listen to this. president biden: representative jacky, are you here? it is clear the president had a slip of the tongue obviously. people make mistakes and you go from there. we ve all done it before. carley: joe concha joins us now, good morning. this was a very big mistake by the president and that is how meet the press chose to cover it, what chuck todd said, what do you make thaf? chuck todd says we ve all done it, i m certain we, almost everybody on the planet outside the movie sixth sense have never looked for a dead person after honoring that person. believe me, as sure as you were born, carley, if donald trump
staying there. he felt responsible, want today stay there. we met him in his neighborhood, he was hungry, the resources are going to go a long way and gratitude for people who are working this and for the supplies, those who we spoke with say they felt sense of joy in being able to survive this and stick out the next few days but it s more than that and people need water right now and on the issue of water, jacky, issues what the national guard can supply. children s hospital, 67 babies had to be transferred elsewhere because of lack of water meant they couldn t get the proper care that they didn t. a lot of struggles here but we have seen volunteers providing services, giving out goods, a lot of kindness going a long way as well. jacqui: always incredible when the tragedies bring the best of humanity. alex hoff, thanks for the report. griff: after devastating parts of florida were hit, weakening
fema. what wasn t in there, white house wanted millions and millions for covid programs, vaccines, all that, they didn t get it and manchin, joe manchin did not get what he wanted in this bill. big story thiseck woo. todd: huge story this week, got lost in the hurricane news. thank you. ladies of the view are defending president biden after his latest gaffe, when he appeared to forget about the death of congresswoman. representative jacky here? where is jacky? i thought she was going to be here? they have weaponized the gaps and said she was senile. she passed last month, not like 100 years ago, stop weaponizing his age. i hate that about this country. carley: joe concha, author of