It’s the real life story of a young boy, who defies the odds each and every day. Jackson Garwoods who lives in Essex near London was not expected to live past his second birthday.
Emotional videos show how a terminally ill son s face lights up when his loving dad sings and cradles him. Jackson Garwood, six, was diagnosed with Krabbe Disease when he was one, and his parents Darren and Rebecca were told he likely wouldn’t live past two. Heartbroken, they watched him lose all the milestones they had celebrated in their first-born, as he stopped talking and his movements got less and less. Now Jackson needs to be tube fed, but his family have learned to live and love moment by moment. And one of his favourite things - something he still enjoys - is cuddling up with his dad who sings to him.
Emotional videos show how a terminally ill son s face lights up when his loving dad sings and cradles him. Jackson Garwood, six, was diagnosed with Krabbe Disease when he was one, and his parents Darren and Rebecca were told he likely wouldn’t live past two. Heartbroken, they watched him lose all the milestones they had celebrated in their first-born, as he stopped talking and his movements got less and less. Now Jackson needs to be tube fed, but his family have learned to live and love moment by moment. And one of his favourite things - something he still enjoys - is cuddling up with his dad who sings to him.