The course is notorious for being one of the most challenging runs in the Northeast, but it draws runners from across the U.S. with a promise of Team USA spots.
Billed as "one of the toughest races in the Northwest," the popular half-marathon celebrated its 45th run Saturday amid chilly Treasure Valley temperatures
Walking Uphill Is Harder on Certain Muscles Than Running Elizabeth Millard
New research published in the
European Journal of Applied Physiology asks the question: Is it more efficient to walk or run up a steep hill?
While the answer relies on your aerobic fitness level and the steepness of the hill you encounter, switching back and forth between walking and running, based on your rate of perceived exertion, may be your best bet.
Incorporating hill repeats into your regular training will also help hills feel easier in general.
In the midst of your steady-paced run, you see a monster hill looming ahead. What’s the best strategy here? Walking might slow your tempo way down, but running could burn up your energy, making you more likely to hit the wall sooner.
New research published in the
European Journal of Applied Physiology asks the question: Is it more efficient to walk or run up a steep hill?
While the answer relies on your aerobic fitness level and the steepness of the hill you encounter, switching back and forth between walking and running, based on your rate of perceived exertion, may be your best bet.
Incorporating hill repeats into your regular training will also help hills feel easier in general.
In the midst of your steady-paced run, you see a monster hill looming ahead. What’s the best strategy here? Walking might slow your tempo way down, but running could burn up your energy, making you more likely to hit the wall sooner.