contamination. but did it point to the real killer? as for the jackpot evidence, the cash purchase of the nike sneakers and baseball bat and gloves? who knows who bought those, said the defense, but it wasn t ernie. those nike sneakers were a size 12 and ernie wore a 9 1/2 or 10. proves he didn t do it, right? and on that point, the prosecution had only this. he is very proficient at misinformation and disinformation. and i think that he intentionally bought shoes that were too large for him. reporter: ernie took the stand himself. sat out there for the better part of seven days, confident, often smiling and claiming it was his lifestyle the prosecution put on trial. he s human. he made mistakes like everybody else does. that doesn t make him a monster. would he convince the jury? i think it goes back to him thinking, i m at a table and