Local news from StateCollege.com and Centre County Partners. Read about Letters: Huff Will Bring Leadership, Key Perspective to State College School Board and more from the State College, PA region
Local news from StateCollege.com and Centre County Partners. Read about 6 Candidates Claim Nominations for State College School Board and more from the State College, PA region
Min Xian / WPSU
As of 12:50 a.m. Wednesday, with all precincts partially reporting, unofficial results of the primary elections show Ezra Nanes leading Jim Leous by a two-to-one margin in the Democratic nomination for State College mayor. There is no Republican on the ballot for the seat. Any write-in candidates will take some time to be counted.
Among the seven cross-filed candidates running for the State College Area School District Board of Directors, it appears Peter Buck, Carline Crevecoeur, Deborah Anderson, Jackie Huff, Michelle Glenn Young, and David Hutchinson will be on the November ballot competing for four spots.
Democrats Gopal Balachandran and Divine Lipscomb are leading in the primary for the State College Borough Council. The competition for the third slot is very close between Richard Biever and Katherine Yeaple, though Biever is ahead. Jacob Werner won the Republican nomination as the sole candidate on that ballot. Write-ins could again play a role.
Six of seven candidates appear to be in position to win nominations for State College Area School Board of Directors following Tuesday’s primary election.
According to the Centre County Elections Office, all in-person votes have been tabulated from each of the county’s 87 precincts, but countywide about 2,000 mail ballots remain to be counted. Processing of those ballots will resume at 11 a.m. on Wednesday.
Four State College school board positions are up for election this year. Each of the
seven candidates was cross filed on the Democratic and Republican ballots.
Peter Buck, Carline Crevecoeur, Deborah Anderson and Jackie Huff led the Democratic vote as of 11:25 p.m. on Tuesday. On the Republican side, Michelle Glenn Young, incumbent David Hutchinson and Anderson and Buck held the lead.
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We will accept letters to the editor endorsing candidates until May 10.
Deborah Anderson, a former college professor and an active parent volunteer in the school district, is seeking election to the State College Area School Board this year.
She is cross-filed on the Democratic and Republican ballots for the May 18 primary election.
“As a teacher, I am committed to excellence in education for all students. And as a parent, I believe strongly that our schools must be welcoming and inclusive,” Anderson said in a press release..
She has lived in the State College area since 2009 and most recently taught in Penn State’s School of Labor and Employment Relations.