Realese From Prision Women Peacebuilders, Prisioners Of War, And Human Rights Defenders (Image by Image by Jody Davis on Pixabay | CC0)
Some 100 years ago, Clara Zetkin established the International Women's Day on March 8 (voted in 1910 by the women’s movement). During the International Year of Women in 1975, the UN celebrated the International Women’s Day, and since 1977 has designated March 8 th as the official Day for the Rights of Women and World Peace.
On this centenary, we, women from different corners of the world, demand actions not symbolic proclamations from world leaders.
We appeal to the UN Secretary General, OSCE Secretary General, NATO Secretary General, Council of Europe Secretary General and heads of multilateral organizations to address stakeholders and member states, in the spirit of the Women Peace and Security Agenda/WPS, to: