the president says that law has actually made medicare an even better deal for seniors. the improvements we made as part of the affordable care act have strengthened medicare and helped seniors everywhere get better care at less costs. the president says the law has actually made medicare even better and has saved an average of $700 on prescription drugs since the healthcare law took effect. the medicare issue wasn t the only battle on the trail today. the abortion debate was front and center. and so was the war in afghanistan. campaign carl cammeron live in manchester, new hampshire this evening. carl, some analysts are pointing out for us that foreign policy is a strong suit for the president. governor romney, frankly does not seem to agree. well. no he doesn t have the same portfolio as the incumbent president. nor does paul ryan have much of international affairs experience. having focused much of his congressional career on the budget. there was a great deal of discussion ab
approved been talking about on the stump. the the washington post has said it has three pinocchios because it s not true. that s an independent fact checker saying that bottom line while the president noted that this other democratic ad hasn t run anywhere it s gotten a lot of attention in the media and play. in part because of us as well, shep president taking heat frequency he takes questions from reporters. how does his credibility compare with that of his predecessors. stacks up well. go throw off the curve, former president clinton, he had 31 press conferences like this in first term. president bush had 13 in his first term. this president 19. so he sort of falls in the middle. bill clinton throws off the curve. but he has had more than president bush, shep. ed henry at the white house tonight. thanks so much. president obama also voices deep concern over the string of insider attacks in afghanistan during which afghan forces turned their guns on u.s. and other nato troops.
one in his campaign had called mitt romney a felon. even though that s not exactly right because one of his campaign aides, stefanie cutter suggested that maybe mitt romney committed a felony in terms of how he left bain capital. so that still remains out there. now, on that so-called cancer ad. that negative ad by the democratic group that suggested maybe mitt romney had something to do with the laid off steel worker s wife dying. the president would not denounce the ad but became the first person in his inner circle to say. this. i don t think so that governor romney is somehow responsible for the death of woman who was portrayed in that ad. keep in mind, this is an ad did i not approve. did not produce. and as far as can i tell, has barely run. now, in contrast, the president noted that there an s. an ad on welfare that mitt romney has been running, his own campaign that he has
fellow republicans in kansas criticized his behavior but the state s g.o.p. chair said the incident should not overshadow his work in congressman. the president used a rare appearance at the white house briefing room today to deliver strongest warning yet to the syrian government that is murderg its own people. the president noted while he has not authorized any united states military in syria. he said he would consider reconsider if the syrian president bashar assad s regime uses or even moves its chemical weapons. we have been very clear to the assad regime but also to other players on the ground that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. that would change my calculus. change my calculus. you may recall last month a senior syrian official publicly admitted that the syrian regime has chemical and biological weapons but added
home of the masters where legends play. after years of controversy augusta national plans to let two women wear its green jacket. tonight a boys club breaks down a barrier. trapped in a run away car going 100 miles per hour. i vehicle went into the right median and left median. how it happened and how he finally stopped first from fox this monday night. governor romney and paul ryan campaign trail. republic ticket is trying to turn the tables on president obama by making medicare something democrats had thought was a republic weakness into a strength. medicare is the healthcare program, of course, for older americans. been around since the mid 1960s. in this election year it is in the crosshairs of both political parties. romney and ryan are again accusing the president of raiding medicare to pay for the healthcare overhaul.