Known for his erratic, offbeat, often borderline disturbing performances – not to mention his prolific, 100+ film résumé – Nicolas Cage is a Hollywood legend. And his latest project sees him treading into foreign territory: surfing. The film, entitled The Surfer, which is being billed as a .
If there’s two people in professional surfing known for last-minute heroics, for coming through in the clutch when the chips are down, it’s Gabriel Medina and Kelly Slater. Unfortunately, however, this Championship Tour season didn’t pan out for them. Gabe narrowly missed a spot in the .
One Down, Three To Go: WSL 1, Cynicism 0
At the Rip Curl Newcastle Cup, it was just about the surfing and it wasn’t just that.
Photo: Dunbar/WSL
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Yeah, the competition was hot.
Italo, all passion and flair, turning into the Iceman in the last few minutes of the final, closing it down with all the executioner’s cool of his opponent. Literally playing with Gabriel Medina.
Here, have this wave if ya like, you won’t get the score. Who does that? To Gabriel? Italo Ferreira, that’s who.
Carissa, of all these great women on tour right now, surely the über-great. Isabella Nichols ran all the way to their final, rookie-on-fire style, then just sat there and watched while Ms Moore tore it to pieces, effortlessly, like Slater getting loose on some poor bastard back in the ‘90s.
4 hours ago
Mother. Of. God.
Before it aired, episode four of the sixth season was hyped as the best Line of Duty episode since the show first hit our screens in 2012. Martin Compston said if we deliver it has the potential to be a classic. And boy, did they deliver. A shootout with the OCG, Steve pulling off a shot most Call of Duty addicts would be proud of, a murder in prison, Ryan putting a gun to Jo s head, and a big fucking cliffhanger at the end.
Focusing on the very end of the episode, which had thousands of viewers rewinding their televisions to see who the photograph on the piece of paper was (it s Jo Davidson, as if they would leave the big reveal there in the age of pausing TV), all the discussion in the aftermath surrounds who this mystery relative of Jo Davidson could be.