NEWPORT — Entrepreneur Jack Potvin brought his Project Happy to Newport on Thursday as the Sunshine Initiative hosted its Summer Social under a tent at the Old Courthouse Restaurant.
Jan 27, 2021
DETROIT/ GLADSTONE Robert Leo Burton, age 85, of the Detroit area and Gladstone, passed away on January 25, 2021. Robert was born on October 31, 1935 to Charles H. and Bernice (Columb) Burton in Lansing, Michigan. He graduated from Gladstone High School in 1954. He was very proud to have been on the Braves football team and scored three touchdowns against Escanaba on their field for the win (35 to 7) in 1953 as right halfback. Robert had a draft deferment to attend Michigan State University where he received a bachelor of science degree from the School of Business & Public Service and majored in correctional administration. He was also a member of the MSU boxing team and went undefeated. He graduated from MSU in January of 1959 and two days later, he was on a troop train for boot camp to Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri. Robert honorably served as a member of the United States Army in the Military Police. After serving his country, Robert led a successful career with the M