Elden Ring Latest Leaked Footage Is Not Real, Online Report Confirms May 4, 2021 07:30 EDT
The latest Elden Ring leaked footage is apparently not real footage from the game in development by From Software.
A few hours ago, Reddit user Blue Affinity revealed that new footage seen in the leaked six seconds clip that has been making the rounds online is from a video put together by 3D/Concept Artist Jack Phan. You can take a look at the video, complete with the fake Elden Ring footage, below.
Elden Ring has been originally announced back in 2019, but very little has been shown so far. The only look at the game has been provided by a leaked trailer that emerged online back in March. The trailer also provided the first look at some key locations and characters, as highlighted by well-known Chinese Souls content creator Longqi Bangbangtang.