Illinois voters approved a "Workers Rights Amendment" to the state constitution which broadens the state workforce s rights to collective bargaining. The Nov. 8 ballot initiative, passed by 58% of Illinois voters, is a broadly worded expansion of the collective bargaining process extending beyond traditional terms and conditions of employment. .
Women of color working in health care are the most likely to lose out on wages they have earned because employers fail to pay what they owe, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Investigations have found 80% of violations affect home-care aides, nursing aides and licensed practical nurses, especially women working in Black, Hispanic and Asian communities. .
A new proposal from the U-S Department of Labor would clearly define what it means to be an independent contractor. Currently, the Department of Labor s definition refers to independent contractors as, "workers who, as a matter of economic reality, are not economically dependent on their employer for work and are in business for themselves." A new definition would more clearly distinguish between them and regular employees, who are covered by more federal labor protections. Jack Fiorito, a distinguished professor at Florida State University, explained what the new definition would do. .