It was continuing conversation in which i have been engaged in most of my life. If you want examples. If you want immediate instances of the kind of encounters that led inevitably to putting down notes on the subject matter of the book, which tries to cover quite a bit of range. Lets just take the religious side. With newly i saw on the wall a poster, titled announcing a lecture and the title is the greatest show on earth. And above i saw, and the god illusion. Now, very strange to think that in certain parts of the world today, for daring to put up such a poster, much less admitting to be in the author of such a book, the god dilution, delusion, you might be stoned to death or put to death for blasphemy. The second incident. I was speaking to a young lady, and she was telling me about her experience. Shed obviously was lamenting the prejudice, extremist, very intolerant prejudices that were taking place among the various religions of the world, she said, i grew up in an environment wh
Way that is sympathetic. I am sympathetic thats true in either way, just the facts. So you try to tell the story in a way that is, where the reader is on the edge of his or her of ceasing all my god, what would ive done in this situation . And any great movie, any great book that youve read, so i novelized biography, its a creation, and artistic creation. But i would say other than just the bare facts as you saw in that book, anything thats written about her necessarily 100 years later has to have some degree of projection of whoever is writing. So what i have tried to do is show her as much as a man can get into a womans head or into a womans heart, show her going through the various struggles and surmounting a lot of these difficulties that she was able to surmount in her life. What it did for her inside and out a broader to this place. That whole catholic world reveres her and explained that in such a way to tell the story to people who find it an enjoyable experience, to read and e
From arkansas and the second bush from texas since 2008 is a watershed election. There were critical of the politics that the flood that came out of the sun belt. They tended to be oriented around issues of Strong National defense of an opposition to the union and the defense of the Free Enterprise politics. And also its in the sun belt in the south and the southwest that we see the rise by the 1970s to talk about is the religious rights involved in the political process in the new and important ways. So he was at the forefront of all of those issues and his own Politics National defence, a staunch anticommunist that set an important goal in the right wing anticommunist politics in the 1960s one of the things that led the party is in 1964. Even the early in his career he was a staunch advocate of the unions in South Carolina back in the 30s and 40s but he switches in the 50s and 60s and becomes a diehard supporters of business against labor. And then he also is an Important Role in a c