something happened to the president god forbid what would you do? benson had a chance to think about it while quayle was fumbling to give him another crack at it to be fair and he fumbled it again and tom brokaw gave it another time. that left the opening for jack benson to say you are no jack kennedy. i thought at the time this will turn this into a route and be the sound bite played forever and this is a bad night tore the gop ticket. i went down stairs into the press room and saw you david broader of the washington post a long time pretty fair minded reporter and i said what do you think about this. he said there may be some marginal effect but i don t think it will make much difference. he was absolutely right. in the end it didn t make any noticeable difference in the outcome of the election. chris: 15 seconds kirsten, does it matter?
something happened to the president god forbid what would you do? benson had a chance to think about it while quayle was fumbling to give him another crack at it to be fair and he fumbled it again and tom brokaw gave it another time. that left the opening for jack benson to say you are no jack kennedy. i thought at the time this will turn this into a route and be the sound bite played forever and this is a bad night tore the gop ticket. i went down stairs into the press room and saw you david broader of the washington post a long time pretty fair minded reporter and i said what do you think about this. he said there may be some marginal effect but i don t think it will make much difference. he was absolutely right. in the end it didn t make any noticeable difference in the outcome of the election. chris: 15 seconds kirsten, does it matter?
between the vice presidential candidates. we will ask our sunday panel to handicap biden versus ryan. and we go on the trail all right now on fox news sunday. and h hello again from fox news in washington. big changes in the presidential race this week. the romney campaign was reenergized by the governor s strong performance in the first debate. but president obama got a big boost with a new jobs report that showed a sharp drop in the unemployment rate. we are going to have our own debate today between democratic governor martin o malley of maryland and republican senator kelly ayotte of new hampshire. welcome to fox news sunday. thanks for having us. great to be with you, chris. chris: start with the jobs numbers that came out friday. unemployment rate dropped to the lowest since president obama took office. the government said 114,000 jobs answered. in a us whohold survey, 873,000 more americans reported having jobs. senator ayotte, isn t the economy getting bet
time. plus this week s face-off between the vice presidential candidates. we will ask our sunday panel to handicap biden versus ryan. and we go on the trail all right now on fox news sunday. and h hello again from fox news in washington. big changes in the presidential race this week. the romney campaign was reenergized by the governor s strong performance in the first debate. but president obama got a big boost with a new jobs report that showed a sharp drop in the unemployment rate. we are going to have our own debate today between democratic governor martin o malley of maryland and republican senator kelly ayotte of new hampshire. welcome to fox news sunday. thanks for having us. great to be with you, chris. chris: start with the jobs numbers that came out friday. unemployment rate dropped to the lowest since president obama took office. the government said 114,000 jobs answered. in a us whohold survey, 873,000 more americans reported having jobs. senator ayott
0 president put into place is actually made it worse including the fact that obama care is causing small employers not to hire because of rising healthcare costs. gas prices have doubled. the middle class is being buried under this administration. the vice president said it aptly and it is true. chris: let s turn to a couple of issues that came up during the debate. obviously the jobs report came out after the debeat. both sides saying that the other candidate is lying about h his position and let s start with taxes. governor, the president keeps saying that mitt romney is proposing a $5 trillion tax cut. that is not true. chris, wait a minute here. the governor, i mean former governor romney is proposing a 20% cut to income taxes including income taxes for the wealthiest of americans and i believe a 30% cut to corporate income taxes including for people like big oil that are socking all of us at the pump reit now. any economist may debate whether that adds up to $4.9 trillion or a