which he was pedaling today at this the event sponsors by ralph reed the former head of the christian coalition turned jack aim ram mof pal, seemed to be promoting him for the presidency. newt s book is called to save america, a little messianic complex there, ed? i think so. what he s done is he recycles all of his bad ideas from when he was speaker of the house and now overlays it with a lot of phony history and phony constitutional law and giving people the impression if you are not a born again fundamentalist christian.who wants your christian world view to be reflected in government, you re pretty much a second class citizen. he continues to get the biggest applause today whenever he talked about so-called radical islam. forgetting apparently that the biggest danger to this country from fundamentalists right now in terms of taking over our government are from fundamentalist of christian
i don t know what that was. these are some of the people republicans hope voters don t remember whether he that thing comes up as an issue. randy duke cunningham pled guilty to take bribes and resigned in november of 2005. he s in federal prison now. he ll still be in prison by the way through the next presidential election. former congressman bob ney pled guilty to trading political favors for gifts and campaign doe nations, eight months in federal prison and now hosts his own radio talk show. tom delay forced to resign on charges of corruption. he s probably best known for dancing with the stars . jack aim ra mof now works at a pizza parlor. he s keeping his hat brim down there. it s a kosher place. it s kind of interesting. these guys are amazing. the republican party here going after a couple members of the house now, charlie rangel, fair enough. they seem to have no shame about