A new exhibition, "Syria – Against Forgetting", at Cologne’s Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum focuses on Syria's artistic and cultural heritage and pays tribute to the country before the war. By Torsten Landsberg
"Syria Against Forgetting," at Cologne’s Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, focuses on Syria's artistic and cultural heritage and pays tribute to the country before the conflict.
“They were living in a state of harmony and contentment, and they would have preferred to go on living their lives as they were, rather than move to other, more generous places.”
Vier Menschen, vier Berufe, vier Wege nach Deutschland: Der Bürgerkrieg hat Millionen Syrer:innen zu einer unfreiwilligen Reise gezwungen. Welche Lebenswege stehen hinter den Fluchtschicksalen? Kadriye Acar stellt sie vor.