If you had told the 19-year-old college student, who was fairly certain she was never going to be a journalist, that she’d be running half the student newspaper paper one day, she probably would have laughed and walked away. Yet, it turns out that the decision to join The Inkwell I made on a whim,.
This week’s Campus Spotlight will be focusing on the Office of Leadership & Community Engagement. The office specializes in developing students’ leadership capacity and the competencies necessary to lead their respective careers successfully. The office has various organizations, such as the Student Leadership Institute, the Nick Mamalakis Emerging Leaders program and the Student Leaders Program..
“The School Girls or African Mean Girls Play” held Nov. 16-19 here on the Armstrong Campus was captivating to watch. The play highlighted the similarities and differences of teenage girls around the globe. The play, directed by Visiting Assistant Professor Tomica Jenkins, garnered consistent laughs and entertained the audience. The play had an all-African American.
Christmas is the time of year where the family dynamic gets emphasized, eggnog gets drunk, and gifts get opened. Moreover, it is the time of year that most people anticipate and look forward to; it also is when the best movies get enjoyed. That’s why for this week, I wrote my top ten greatest Christmas.
On Wednesday, Nov. 17, 2021, The Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMA) held its annual Transgender Day of Remembrance Vigil. The event was held in the Residential Plaza here on Armstrong. The event was to remember and commemorate transgender people who lost their lives due to suicide or things such as hate crimes. There were relatively.