Since the party is not tainted with the current crises facing Estonia, the opposition Conservative People's Party of Estonia (EKRE) is in a strong position now, its leader, Martin Helme, says.
The government is meeting in Vihula Manor to discuss the state budget and the next four years' fiscal strategy. I would like to present sides to the coalition with a set of proposals from myself and the Center Party, Jaak Aab writes.
The opposition Center Party held a meeting to protest high energy prices in front of Toompea Castle on Monday, which also marks the start of the Riigikogu fall session. A few hundred mostly elderly people took part.
The Estonian government is set to decide on a planned mid-range air defense procurement within the context of the state budget strategy (RES), defense minister Hanno Pevkur (Reform).
The Center Party and Eesti 200 are demanding a thorough reform of the Nord Pool electricity exchange, while the Conservative People's Party (EKRE) wants Estonia to leave the system or sell electricity at a fixed price not affected by the market.