that. jon scott are ready to do video for you, fyi, if you re interested. we re ready, keenan, for you, and glad with all your success. it is fun to see. we ll check out your videos. you have a couple new ones this week. we appreciate it. yes. make sure to watch my, just came out yesterday, lil john, j randall and brian evans. jenna: all right. we re going to do that. we ll look it up. we ll be one of millions at this point. thank you very much for joining us. we ll look forward to talking to you again. thank you. jon: his thriller video is my favorite. my personal favorite. jenna: really good. jon: so we asked you to help choose the news. you have a few final seconds to weigh in on drum roll please, will it be the amazing rescue of a boy swept up in a fast-moving creek there on the left? four newborn white lion cubs too cute and cuddly to ignore. or in the bottom corner