February 18: News from around the Driftless Area
‘News from Around the Driftless Area’ is a compilation showcasing the excellent work and interesting tidbits from the community journalists sprinkled throughout our area.
VIROQUA –The NRCS and engineering teams working on the Watershed Study of Coon Creek and West Fork Kickapoo watersheds to help LaCrosse, Monroe and Vernon counties determine what to do with the five flood control dams that breached in the 2018 flood event are continuing to move forward. At this time, the engineering team is refining the very complicated water modeling for both watersheds. The engineering team presented preliminary alternatives to representatives from the three counties on January 19. With feedback from that discussion, the team has gone back and is further developing alternatives emphasizing upland treatments. The project has taken extra time to ensure that the alternative development is done well and a very comprehensive an