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Will There Be a Nude Scene Ever Again?
Hollywood Commentary
At the Wynn Hotel in Las Vegas, there are two large swimming pools. Both are ringed by colorful cabanas and festooned with fountains and amoeba-shaped nooks. But only one of them a little more secluded than the other allows something called, with mysterious glamor, “European-style bathing.”
Meaning: topless. The hotel’s management took the idea of topless girls lounging around the pool and made it classy-sounding. But, as is always the case in these arrangements, the people who choose the European option are never the ones you want. The really attractive people are modestly wrapped and tucked in. It’s the ones born during the Eisenhower administration and the ones who take full advantage of the all-you-can-eat buffet who are splayed out in the desert sunshine, playing it as it lays.