A groundbreaking Netflix series set among Turkey’s Jews has been an unexpected hit there, challenging taboos and enthralling audiences with its glimpse into a long-overlooked community.
ISTANBUL, March 19 A groundbreaking Netflix series set among Turkey’s Jews has been an unexpected hit there, challenging taboos and enthralling audiences with its glimpse into a long-overlooked community. The global success of Turkish television series often with government-pleasing.
Telling the story of Turkey's Jewish community, 'The Club' forces viewers to confront historical persecution of minorities: 'We don't teach this part of history in schools'
A groundbreaking Netflix series set among Turkey's Jews has been an unexpected hit there, challenging taboos and enthralling audiences with its glimpse into a long-overlooked community.
A groundbreaking Netflix series set among Turkey's Jews has been an unexpected hit there, challenging taboos and enthralling audiences with its glimpse into a long-overlooked community.