Attack on Titan season four has big plans for fans yet, you see. The show might be halfway finished with its final season, but Eren has a lot to prove before MAPPA closes the anime. After all, the lead has made some decisions fans don t agree with, and one of his latest choices freed a foe from [.]
Could the answer to endless hours on BW Parkway, calamitous commutes, and a region’s rage against the trappings of traffic come from a breathless feat of engineering, a bullet train found floating above the Japanese countryside?
We may well find out – as a bullet of quicksilver announces its arrival from the iridescent streets of central Tokyo, to the stately corners of Mount Vernon Square in Washington.
Federal authorities are now within months of deciding the fate of a project nearly 20 years in the making – a proposed high-speed train linking D.C. and Baltimore in 15 minutes.
The dream is an American version of the world’s fastest train, currently in operation within the shadow of Mt. Fuji.