International Women's Day is celebrated on March 8 every year and the main purpose of celebrating Women's Day is to recognise the various contributions of women in society and raise awareness about gender equality. The theme of International Women’s Day is #BreakTheBias. It is all known knowledge that women find it difficult to move ahead in life due to biased attitudes
In line with International Women’s Day 2021, the team at
Human Resources Online has put together a series of 22 stories under two distinct concepts with the overarching theme of
#ChooseToChallenge to inspire organisations and leaders to push for a gender-equal society, by showcasing what their peers are doing in this area.
For the first concept, we recognise that as guardians of employee wellbeing and a key stakeholder in company policy creation, HR leaders are in a unique position to challenge stereotypes, fight bias and inequity in the workplaces to bring about positive change.
In that line, we seek to highlight key HR interventions that promote gender equity, seek out and celebrate women s achievements, and create an inclusive workplace; by asking more than 60 HR leaders to share their organisation s call-to-action in shaping a workforce that celebrates gender equity.
Fergus Finlay: We must take opportunity to consider the merit and meaning of Paddy s Day I know there is a lot of people, especially in events and entertainment, who will suffer again this year for the want of the kind of platform that Paddy’s Day offers. But I also think we should rethink the entire meaning of the celebration. Picture: Sam Boal/
Tue, 16 Mar, 2021 - 06:35
I don’t know whether I’m previous or late. I want to wish you a happy Mother’s Day and a happy St Patrick’s Day, and I’m stuck slap bang in the middle of both of them.
Joyce Fegan: Misogyny is a rot at the core of society
Emotions are our species’ navigation system. Ignoring feelings isn’t strong, it’s actually stupid
The suspect in the murder of Sarah Everard is a wonderful father apparently. Everyone gets given a narrative.
Sat, 13 Mar, 2021 - 12:57
On Monday, we told women to dream big, speak out, take up space, go where no woman has gone before.
On Tuesday, we told women to shut up, stay quiet, we don t believe you when you speak out.
On Wednesday, we told women it was their responsibility to stay home if they wanted to stay alive.
For those who want to take part in SCSM 2021, what would be a good starting point?
Sofie Chandra (SC) It s important to have a structured training plan and to seek advice from someone that has the expertise or experience to help you with planning one.
Can you share some of your struggles as a female athlete?
SC I think female or not, all athletes struggle with off days, when your body just doesn t seem to co-operate and nothing seems to be working and you feel tired and uninspired.
Your wish for International Women’s Day would be …
SC For good and cooling weather in Singapore so we can have a great run.