The Best Horror Movies Of 2021
The Best Horror Movies Of 2021
By Désirée I. Guzzetta/March 9, 2021 6:17 am EDT/Updated: April 1, 2021 1:52 am EDT
For the past several years, the horror genre seems to have been enjoying another renaissance. From 2017 s
Hereditary to 2019 s
Possessor: Uncut
, movies in this category are reaching new artistic heights, providing sharp social commentary, and giving us lots and lots of gore. This is all great news as far as fans are concerned. The more horror films receive positive reviews and box office success, the more get made, and the more we have to watch.
The new year appears to be off to a solid start, with the following films certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes in early 2021. There are many choices in different flavors of the genre, from the body horror of
From the Pacific Northwest to France to New Zealand to Mexico, this weekend’s new streaming arrivals circle the globe without forcing you off your sofa. They also provide welcome doses of intelligent adult drama, a thing that seems to get rarer in feature-film form every week.
Little Fish
That category appears to be the one that director Chad Hartigan dwells in, since his well-received prior features
Morris from America and
This Is Martin Bonner were also unpretentious but serious-minded character dramas. Here, he dips a toe into genre cinema with something like
500 Days of Summer and/or
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotted Mind meets