Here s just a sampling of local family-style take-out options.
Beacon Hill at Home Order at for free dinner delivery within a 10 mile radius of Beacon Hill. Deliveries are 3 pm to 5 pm Thursdays or Fridays. (Pictured above.)
The Ivory Table Catering Company Dinner boxes feature three days of ready-to-heat meals, including entrees and sides ($49 per person/per box). A recent weekly three-meal lineup included entrees of French onion soup, slow-cooked barbecue chicken and penne with a brown butter pumpkin cream sauce. All include a variety of side dishes. Add dessert or breakfast sandwiches to your weekly order, which is due by Saturdays at 3 pm. Order at Pick up on Tuesdays at 1822 E. Sprague. Add $10 for delivery.