The Vivo V25 5G launch in India is scheduled for 12:00 PM IST today (September ).15 The event can be viewed on Vivo's official YouTube channel. Zee Business also has exclusive information regarding Vivo V25 5G price in India. The smartphone will be priced under Rs. 30,000 in India, the sources said Get more Mobiles News and Business News on Zee Business.
Vivo V25 5G price: According to my sources, the upcoming Vivo's next-gen Vivo V25 5G smartphone is likely will be priced under Rs. 30,000 in India. In terms of specifications and features, this upcoming phone from Vivo is coming with 50 MP Eye Autofocus Selfie camera, color changing Fluorite AG Glass Design and 64MP OIS Night Camera. Get more Mobiles News and Business News on Zee Business.