The Vivo S12 Pro will be introduced at a virtual event tomorrow. It is likely to be a high-end mid-range device priced at CNY 3,000 (roughly Rs 35,300). The smartphone will feature a 6.5-inch OLED panel, Dimensity 1200 chipset, and 108-megapixel rear cameras.
The Vivo S12 Pro will be introduced at a virtual event tomorrow. It is likely to be a high-end mid-range device priced at CNY 3,000 (roughly Rs 35,300). The smartphone will feature a 6.5-inch OLED panel, Dimensity 1200 chipset, and 108-megapixel rear cameras.
Vivo S12 Pro is an upcoming phone. See rumoured price as on 16th December 2021, full specifications, expert reviews, user ratings, and more. Vivo S12 Pro expected released date is 22nd December 2021.