visions successes and day to day business to present. its entire history in everyone stops. he says the mathematician the eyes. and. digital africa starts december twelfth on t.w. . welcome to a new edition of we call it africa environmental magazine brought to you by channel steamy dosser vella and quesada t.v. i am now outside
pope of the people. but, you know, he s showing it each and every day. what s your reaction to this? interesting when you were talking about showing it. popes teach not only in their words, but in their actions. just like jesus did. jesus taught with his words and his deeds. you know, just hugging someone in a pa vel la or kissing a baby really shows his compassion and his love for just being alive and just being among the people of faith. incredible to see him in those places run by drug lords. here is the pope touching the people. father james martin, thank you so much for your perspective today. my pleasure. coming up next, why a golfer who was leading this tournament walks away from a potential million dollar opportunity. for a good reason, might i add. and he may be down, but he s not out. what anthony weiner is doing to get support for his bid for mayor in new york city. a live report is coming up. but first, he is known for hard rock and these iconic os tombs.