01/06/2023 - Features in development from Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Georgia and Ukraine will be presented in front of potential co-producers and funders
01/06/2023 - Los potenciales coproductores y financiadores podrán descubrir largometrajes en desarrollo provenientes de Hungría, Rumanía, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Grecia, Turquía, Georgia y Ucrania
03/02/2022 - Croatia’s Leave the Door Open by Judita Gamulin has taken home the €20,000 Eurimages Co-production Development Award from the 39th CineMart awards ceremony
03/02/2022 - Croatia’s Leave the Door Open by Judita Gamulin has taken home the €20,000 Eurimages Co-production Development Award from the 39th CineMart awards ceremony
03/02/2022 - Croatia’s Leave the Door Open by Judita Gamulin has taken home the €20,000 Eurimages Co-production Development Award from the 39th CineMart awards ceremony