We are now certainly seeing a broader range of economists trying to answer questions related to the environment which historically would be studied only by people who worked on topics like climate change and biodiversity — now, people who would call themselves macroeconomists are trying to tackle questions related to the environmental situation and how this affects the economy.
Lead is still used at some racetracks around the US, including in Portland, Oregon – and lead emissions can impair the cognitive development of children living nearby
Clean Air Act, designed for humans, saved billion-plus birds
Updated Dec 10, 2020;
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While the federal Clean Air Act was enacted to protect humans from air pollution, it also has saved birds.
The cleaner air resulting from the pollution regulations has saved 1.5 billion birds, nearly 20 percent of all birdlife in the U.S. today, according to researchers at Cornell University and the University of Oregon.
“Our research shows that the benefits of environmental regulation have likely been underestimated,” said Ivan Rudik, a lead author and Ruth and William Morgan Assistant Professor at Cornell’s Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management.