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Can an employer make employees get a COVID-19
vaccination or dismiss an employee for refusing to do so? How can
employers incentivise employees to get vaccinated? This article
explores these and related issues in Germany, then lawyers in other
Ius Laboris jurisdictions provide a local perspective.
Just before Christmas Eve, on 21 December 2020
the EU Commission formally recommended the
vaccines produced by BioNTech and
Pfizer for authorisation in the member states. And
just before New Year s Eve, the first
vaccines were administered to German citizens. According
By Anton Alexeyev,Oksana Voynarovska,
Associate - Kazakhstan
Maria Ostashenko and Dmitry Simbirtsev, Firm:Alrud
In this guide, Ius Laboris lawyers from Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine provide a detailed survey of data protection law and how it is enforced in their jurisdictions.
What information is defined as personal data?
Personal data means: information relating to the data subject identified, or to be identified, on the basis of such information, recorded on an electronic, paper and/or any other tangible medium. Personal data includes full name, address of residence, information on citizenship, date of birth, information on education, marital status, biometric data, individual identification number, etc. The source, or the subject, of personal data may be an individual only.