i was love splash. you guys like splash with johntj candy. ca, you know, like, it s funny because he was likeld the chubby kid would throw change on the girl s skirt so we could loosave mon say hk nowd just save money, say he s onem of them and go to the bathroom and watch them chang change. i u gh but i love the movie. i love that movie. i thought the original name solely was splash of because it landed in the water. ihat was great. i think that i think the the tom worst tom hanks movie is punch line. and like you, he played comic. hey, what do you think? that one julie, are you a fan of tom hanks? i mean, amy movies.he i loved him.id my favorite movie he did was kno buddies. i knoww no out of movie, but a w show. no, i liked big big. alike yeah. i really typical. well, i know it s just because it was like very oh all right. oh did i say something offensive. did you really want to have a convo about size. okay.