Rockit mortgage dot com rates up to change a 1.375 percent fee to receive the discounted rate for cost information and conditions under license in all 50 states and in the Us number 3030 according to a Pew Research Center poll 4 in 10 millennial smell say they are religiously unaffiliated. Explains many millennial is now have spouses children and mortgages but there is little evidence of that corresponding surge in religious interest the survey of more than 2500 Americans by the American Enterprise Institute uncovered a few reasons why it found many millennial is never had strong ties to religion to begin with that would make it easier to return to a religious community also young adults are increasingly likely to have a non-religious spouse helping to reinforce a secular view and changing views about the relationship between morality and religion may help convince many young parents that religious institutions are irrelevant or unnecessary for their children. Babe Ruth said another o
Calling 8. 773883 and that high mark motel dot com Take care and thanks Martell for their generous support of community radio programming taking Aryan community radio is supported by listeners like you and women specialists women s health specialists provide confidential compassionate and non-judgmental sexual and reproductive health care for women and men services include free pregnancy tests birth control free condoms abortion services and more they are located at 1901 Victor Avenue in Redding where walk ins are welcome Monday through Friday you can call 530-221-0193 or go to w w w c a w h dot org to make an appointment Take care and thanks women specialist for their generous support of community radio. If it s. In the for. The in the bad. Or how Maurice you read it. Right it s a moving groove or 2 you re on a roll next week. Welcome to another edition of the in the back your source for 940 s. And fifty s. Overcame. Rocker I m your jukebox operator the cat. And I am ready to lay dow
New storm blows in on the West Coast as well which will bring snow to the cascade in Sierra mountain ranges and possible flash flooding in the Southwest fierce winds could cause power outages from New Mexico to New York over the next few days the Salvation Army is preparing to serve up to 1000 Thanksgiving dinners tomorrow our dinner is going to be held at the Convention Center building it s open to the public Scott Johnson of the Southwest Division of the Salvation Army says activities including free haircuts and live music will start at 9 am dinner will be served from 11 30 am to 2 pm Johnson says more than 1900 pounds of turkey 125 gallons of gravy and $47100.00 slices of pie among other things will be served a surveyor who fell into a 50 foot hole at a construction site in Santan Valley is now recovering from minor injuries Rural Metro says plywood covering the whole gave way dropping the man into were tension a drainage trench at a new home construction site and rescue team membe
Has urged the u.s. To reconsider that stance the teenager s mother said the family s life is now painfully on hold they bear the woman no ill will she says but want her to face justice in the u.k. And British law suggests relatives of u.s. Diplomats outside London do not have automatic immunity for n.p.r. News I m Vicki Barker in London a Paris prosecutors says an employee who was stabbed to death 4 people in a police department Thursday may have been an extremist and may have had contact with radical Islam as N.P.R. s Eleanor Beardsley reports anti-terrorist prosecutors they got our Said the telephone records of the civilian police department employees show he sent 30 text messages in the half hour before he killed 4 colleagues the text did not relate to the killings but were all very religious the long time i t employees stabbed his police precinct colleagues in what the prosecutor described as a 7 minute attack of extreme violence the 45 year old assailant was finally shot by anoth
Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh oh. Oh. Oh. Oh oh. Oh oh you have to be among the most finest ever exports done they will move us in the dark. Side on the way. Just a reminder that Merseyside sports here between 6 and 7 I m going to be in conversation with the Liverpool Echo his new L F C correspondent Paul Gorst are going to be talking about his new role about the red season so far looking ahead to the coming weeks which are very fairly busy in league and cup We ll also be talking about the ashes with Mike Bishop and all the local competition around Merseyside cricket wise as well on the way between 6 and 7. Full songs B.B.C. Radio message. First though there are calls for Boris Johnson to recall parliament immediately after a Scottish court ruled that the decision to suspend it was on lawful The judges said the prime minister was attempting to prevent parliament holding the Government to account ahead of Breck s it meanwhile there s disagreement within the Labor Party over wh