Künstliche Intelligenz bringt enorme Verheißungen und Gefahren mit sich. Unstrittig ist, dass KI die Arbeitswelt grundlegend verändern wird. Der Überblick zeigt, wie KI-Modelle funktionieren.
surrounding the kidnapping and the disappearance of four american citizens in mexico. [alarm] instructor: veer right. [ringing] instructor: and slow down. t tech: so when he got a cracked windshield, hehe turned to safelite. we re the experts at replacing glass and recalibrating your vehicle s camera, so automatic emergency braking and lane departure warning work properly to get you back on the road safely. instructor: and that means a lot! tech: schedule now. singers: safelite repair, safelite replace. hi, my name s steve. i lost 138 pounds on golo and i kept it off. so with other diets, you just feel like you re muscling your way through it. the reason why i like golo is plain and simple, was easy. i didn t have to grit my tee and do a diet. golo s a lifestyle change and yomake the change and it stays off. golo s changed my life in so many ways. i sleep better, i eat better. took my shirt off for the first time in 25 years. it s golo. it s all golo. it s smarter, it s
China galt für Unternehmen jahrzehntelang als unverzichtbarer Produktionsstandort. Der Taiwan-Konflikt sorgt dafür, dass sich immer mehr Konzerne nach Alternativen zu China umsehen – und fündig werden.
phone call that donald trump placed to secretary of state brad raffensperger in georgia after the election and many other things happening to challenge the 2020 vote after the election. so at this time, this hearing is coming up now as a media coalition including cnn is trying to get access to the special grand jury report before any indictment decisions are made by the district attorney s office. the prosecutors, the fulton county district attorney does not want this out there at this time and so the judge says he s not making a rash decision and this is an extraordinary circumstance. we don t know what he s going to decide yet, wolf? very sensitive moment. indeed. thank you very much for that report. up next, live to the scene of back to back mass shootings out in california. stay with us. you re in the sit wiegs room. [smash] dad: it s okay. pull over. t tech: he wouldn t take his car just anywhere. pop rock music > tech: .so he brought it to safelite. we replaced the w
that. general wesley clark as usual, thanks for joining us. coming up, same-sex marriage back in the spotlight in a new u.s. supreme court case. we ll be right back. tech: when you get a chip in your windshield. trust safelite. this couple was headed to the farmers market. when they got a chip. they drove to safelite for a same-day repair. to the farmers market. and with their insurance, they drove to safelite it was no cost to them. to woman: really?t. tech: that s service the way you need it. singers: safelite repa, safelite replace. at fidelity, your dedicated advor will help you create a comprehensive wealth plan for your full financial picture. with the right balance of risk and reward. so you can enjoy more of.this.